Past Employee Spotlight Series - Rory Brennan

Meet Rory Brennan, a past GTE intern.

Past Employee Spotlight Series - Rory Brennan
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Name: Rory Brennan

Major/Year: Finance and Business Information Systems - 2022 Graduate

Internship Cohort: Fall 2021

Current Job/Internship: BTS Analyst at Deloitte Consulting

Rory Brennan graduated from the University of Pittsburgh this past spring and currently is a BTS Analyst at Deloitte Consulting in New York City. Rory interned at GT Entrepreneurs during the fall of his senior year in 2021. 

Q: How did you first hear about GTE and why did you feel compelled to apply for a role with the company?

“Khaled Abdelatey is a good friend of mine and was heavily involved with GTE at the time. I also knew of some other people who had interned and they had gone on to be pretty successful. I knew going for the role would really advance my professional development. I also wasn’t familiar with search, so I was interested in learning and being around a more entrepreneurial focused company.”

Q: How would you describe GTE’s culture and how large of a role do you think culture plays in working for a firm?

“The culture was great and was something I hadn't been around before. I loved how comfortable everyone was with each other so it was really easy to work with the other interns. Culture is a huge factor for me because I believe I’m best fit for when I’m doing something different everyday and working with others. It’s great to have mutual respect with your boss, and that’s something GTE has.”

Q: Could you talk about how GTE prepared you for your professional career after college?

“Going into senior year, I really wasn't sure what my plans would be after college. GTE was great because it gave me some experience in the private equity field which expanded my knowledge and skills. I was fortunate enough to land a job at Deloitte and it has been great so far. My time at GTE helped my skills of working with others which is one of my main tasks currently.”