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Partnership Snapshot

Selecting the right mix of investor partners is arguably the most critical early-stage decision that traditional searchers have to make. Not only do we have team members who have conducted their own successful searches, but we also ran a search accelerator for five years. It goes without saying that we know search very well and we're ready to step in and provide value at any stage within the entire search cycle.


Raising a traditional search fund and looking for qualified investors to provide "smart" capital? GTE provides the funding and know-how to get you started down the right path with your search.


Not sure where to start searching for acquisition opportunities?  Leverage the systems and processes that we developed while running a search accelerator for five years. We know how to search the right way. Period.


Need a second opinion on a potential deal you're eyeing up? We've looked into countless deals over the years and highly encourage our searchers to reach out to us to review their financial models in-depth with them.

Operate & Grow

Feeling stuck with certain operational issues or looking for new growth opportunities? Tap into our team's 100+ years of combined executive and management-level experience to help right the ship.

Searcher Criteria & Fit

It's very important that we're aligned with our searcher partners on values and approach. Please take a moment to review all of the following sections to see if we're a match in regards to your background and pending search.

Download Searcher Fit Checklist

Searcher Traits

Top Tier MBA Program

You gradated from a top-tier MBA program (or at least possess elite-level experience)

Tremendous Grit & Tenacity

You possess tremendous resilience and are relentless about getting past “No”

Operations or Deal Expertise

Your past paints you as a potential great operator or deal analyzer (bonus points if both)

Searcher Cap Table Need & Fit

We look to take 10–15% of your cap table—does this work for you and your cap table structure?

You've Done Your Research

You've spoken to at least 30+ past and present searchers, both successful and unsuccessful

Search Approach

High Volume Outreach

Conducting a high-volume outreach consisting of 300–500 emails and letters per week

Proprietary Outreach Focused Search

Most of your time (80%+) is spent on proprietary outreach versus brokered deals

Utilizing Interns for Outbounds

You plan to put a team of interns to work with helping to manage the outbound process

Partner Searchers Search Together

Partnered searchers must run their searches from the same geographic location as each other

Target Businesses

Disciplined Pricing

Mitigating risk via proper deal pricing if deviating outside typical search characteristics

Not Being The Highest Bidder

You can’t be the highest bidder on a business; acquisition multiples below 7x only

Seeking Opportunities, Not Problems

You want to add fuel to the fire and not have to figure out if there’s enough dry wood to burn in the first place

Seeking History, Not Potential

No early stage VC/hockey stick-type growth businesses with few years of operating history; Enduringly profitable businesses only

Seeking Profitability, Not Turnarounds

First time CEOs need stability; Turnarounds provide too little runway and room for error

United States Businesses Only

You are looking for businesses that are only located in the United States (not Canada, Mexico, etc)

Operating Style

Leader vs. Manager

You understand the difference between the two while also being comfortable in each role

Servant Leadership

Gravitating toward a servant leadership style with a focus on elevating everyone around you

Not Being the Smartest Person in the Room

You surround yourself with top talent and purposefully don't strive to be the smartest in the room

Being a Giver, Not a Taker

You’re more of a giver than a taker in the relationships you build with others

Entrepreneurial Drive

Burning entrepreneurial drive with relatable stories of past successes and failures

Authentic & Relatable

You're truly authentic and can easily connect with a Fortune 500 CEO as easily as its janitor

Making Time to Work On Business

History of making time for you and your team to work on the business (and not just in it)

Not a Finger Pointer

Your first instinct is to blame the process itself and not the person behind the process

Easily Embraces Challenges

Unafraid of smaller business challenges and aren’t afraid to get hands dirty


Understanding you’ll know nothing about the business, but disciplined to learn

Raising a search fund?

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