Past Employee Spotlight - Pirro Prifti

Meet Pirro Prifti, past GTE intern.

Past Employee Spotlight - Pirro Prifti
Article by
GTE Staff Writer
Article Date
August 22, 2022

Name: Pirro Prifti

Major/Year: Finance & Business Information Systems, 2024 Graduate

Internship Cohort: Spring, 2022

Current Job/Internship: Corporate Controllership Intern, PPG

Pirro Prifti is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh’s College of Business Administration pursuing degrees in finance and business information systems. This past summer, Pirro has been working in Pittsburgh for PPG as a corporate controllership intern. Next summer, Pirro hopes to find an internship in investment banking.

Q: What do you believe is the most important thing you learned at GTE?

A: “I would say there are two things that really stood out about my experience interning at GTE. GTE was my first internship I have ever had, so learning how to work in an office setting was a soft skill I truly think was crucial to help prepare me for my current internship. I would also say the internship classes have taught me a lot, especially when it comes to financial modeling. GTE really took the time to help the interns develop different skills not typically taught with other internships by way of their weekly classroom curriculum, so I am extremely grateful for them taking the time to do that.”

Q: What advice would you give to future GTE interns?

A: “I would say the biggest thing is to try to get into the office as much as possible and soak up as much as you can. Being proactive and seeking out additional opportunities while in the office is something that I believe really drives an internship experience. You should be able to finish your work proficiently, and helping others on tasks that aren’t necessarily your daily tasks just helps you learn more when you otherwise wouldn’t if you didn’t take initiative. Ask questions, ask for more work, and talk to your superior to ensure you are enriching your experience.”